Saturday, October 13, 2018

the reviles of porglitag the saber, part 1

Here's something I wrote. It's entitled "the Reviles of Porglitag the Saber, part 1"

Counting the masses of silver coins on his desk was Porglitag the pigman highbringer, chief taxer to Derblesplish the lordcutter, a local minor lord. His office was a strewn mess of broken pottery and statuettes of jasper maidens exposing their orifaces. With a gleeful chortle he jangled his piles.

"Yee hee! Income is up 6% from last quarter! Before long I'll be able to purchase my own minor duchy from king Skirplupigan!"

There was a pounding at the door and a small putrid man wearing rusty chainmail entered, sweating profusely.

"Lord Porglitag! An army of bandits approach the castle!"

"Wonderful," said Porglitag "I'll be there in a moment!"

He chose his favorite plush pineapple hat and a crystal wand from a door before sauntering down the hall. It was a beautiful fall day and a crisp wind filtered in through the ports which faced the court. As he passed by one he caught a glimps of a sea of golden grass stretching out for miles to the far plump mountains. The sky was gray.

He crawled up a flight of spiral stairs before arriving on top of the rampart. Below was about a hundred and fifty men in black carrying spears and small wooden shields, arranged in two haphazard factions. Heading the group were three men riding small mottled brown horses. They came to a halt fifty yards from the outer wall.

The larger of the three men raised his arm in salute. His hair flowed in a firey coif around his neck and shoulders. He wore a bright red cape and purple steel cuirass which once had been in the latest fashions. Even from this distance Porglitag could see dents and spots of rust the bearer had failed to burnish out. The son of a knight on the descent into peasanthood.

"Highbringer Porglitag!" called the man "I am Shertrabe son of Guxlitux, son of Shertribux, heir to the hall of Lyllgyllyhylla. I come to to demand the release of"

Porglitag raised the crystal wand in his hand, Shertrabe son of Guxlitux burst into flames and fell screaming from his horse. Without a sound archers from up and down the ramparts presented themselves and released a volley upon the unsuspecting bandits, who turned and began to run. A full third of the men fell and were crushed underfoot by their retreating brothers.

The two remaining horsemen gathered their reigns and circled back around, swords drawn, corralling the deserting spearfolk and forcing them back towards the fort. The archers prepared to launch another volley. The spearfolk gathered back into their formations and bristled into a phalanx, shields raised.

The guardcaptain gave his order and the archers launched again. The bandit's were peppered, downing only the few who failed to raise their shields high enough. They marched forth, the riders on each side of the formation, swords drawn, shouting commands and encouragement.

Porglitug made a sign to the guardcaptain and a porticullus at the front of the fort was raised. Seven yellow chargers wielding heavy lances streamed forth. In a calamitous moment there was a crash of horse and spear against bone and the chargers cut through the phalanx like a bolt of lightning. They cast down their ruined lances as they passed through and drew long boar-headed maces. The archers readied to launch again.

Within twenty minutes the bandits were all dead, except for one. One of the riders who came with Shertrabe had been captured by the chargers and carried back. The other was smashed to death by three of the charger's maces in an instant, and his ruined body was carried into the woods by his horse. The prisoners was strawhaired boy, perhaps sixteen, barely of age to carry a sword at all, much less take part in a rebellion. Porglitag had him beaten and chained in the dungeon.

Moments later the butler arrived, announcing the gathering for supperfeast.

In a blur of lime green chiffonade Giffleblig of Butter, a visiting nobleman from the south, appeared at Porglitag's side as they made their way to the banquethall.

"Quite a wonderful display, Porgy! It is always a pleasure to visit you in fort Stamadingdong, what colorful wildlife inhabit the areas about. I should like to partake in a hunt during my stay!"

"Indeed," croaked Porglitag, as he pulled at the hairs on his chinny-chin-chin.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018



erased the face replaced becoming with knowingthe magical showing of ears and spine
fingers dancing with twine and time to produce
essence of everlasting verb
like weavers or bakers
the makers of cakers of conducive expulsion.
i feel repulsion to mass produced word
and excitement & frightment to
sentences smashed to senseless feeling.
what else is there in the mind of a human?
a sufficiently advanced AI could reproduce
like the tick of a metronome
could this help us assimilate the space between
mind and flesh the union of being and circuit
transhuman reducer replaced in confucius program
computers follows rules which are malleable and reproducible
the human element escapes stricture though scripture
belittles the brightest to bereavement, the seasons
the merging of dark
the eyeless branches waving lords of toil
demand sacrifice so that the soil may
sprout the fruits of dominion, the cacophony
of violence the childless giants the viscera
of silence
i don't think they can hold on long enough
the power that collects it cracks with each step
the loss of its fuel is the cancer in its bones
with glee our knives cut and fangs rip as we pull apart
and spread its guts and share with joys the surprises in the mud,
what can we do with the tech of dead gods? take it
and weave it into trees, power it with sun or feed it with leaves
take it and shape it to make love to our dreams, give birth
to an infinite world without seams? spread the dust of love to the stars, ignite the limitless direction without laws?
the way of control is one way only,
the tools of the masters can be broken and reshaped
inward and outward both lead to the same
ignoring the boundaries you find its a game

lingering lonely life

lingering lonely life
where does it come?
the break in between the movement and the madness
is the fear of breath, of life and death
there is no unmoving only steps
of chaos tumbling
makeshift shelters guard from winds
ripping at baseboards
they can't stand forever, kludged together
with old screws and bent nails
in the light of camp fires
heat off of friction grinding gears
the notmoving is where the stories breed
jumping through lip and mouth
carrying messages brainward synth
shared meaning twisted feeling
gathering the rim of rippled steel eye
unquiet might, dignified
or dijected firm
wyrm laughter
wolf candor
night whisperer
tongue twisted
glow stoking mind evoking
mother lore that leads to knowing
the new teachers preach being beyond walls
where cracks are our tunnels out of tombs
cement alchemized from gravel produced
by twisting rusty drills and endless mattock work
chiseling to freedom from the bound strucktures of power
language nymphoid developing fetus growing within us
and through oriphace to gather and spred seed
the myth is the language of old ways and new becomings
without heart ember fire goes out
but easy to find, we create with every breath,
every thought evolves the wink
all rhyme no reason
the puzzle fixes open if you sit with them