Thursday, October 20, 2022

Refuse collection

Located in a burned out facility beneath rubbish dump on outskirts of Domzwolek. Entrance is a slippery chute to 5.

1. Nest

Angry wasp nest built inside massive, fragile vase (200gp) perched precariously on top of a wooden ladder. Wasps hate intruders and their stings leave horrible oozing blisters.

Room also contains most of the parts of a totally dismembered flyer. Familiarity or intelligence of 14+ required to recognize what it is at sight. It could be reassembled, but it would take several months effort from a knowledgeable specialist with a fully equipped workshop.

2. Skull-o-tron

Skull-o-tron, huge belching stinking machine crowds room. Chute at top, expulsion hole at bottom. Anything put in the top causes a skull of equal mass to be ejected out the bottom. If something is put in the bottom it begins smoking and catches fire.

3. Slovenly Gorsup

Huge orangutan "Gorsup the Gulper" (as ogre) lavishes among rotting mattresses, old books, tapestries. Waited on by exhausted android servant. Gorsup loves good food and is willing to trade for exotic dishes. He's also hugely strong, impatient, and has bouts of low self-esteem in which he projects his own short-comings into others.

In his pile of junk is 4 ornamental parade halberds (100gp each), a pearl necklace (800gp), a set of gold dentures (200gp), 3 elvish tapestries (800gp each), and a wig of woven gold filament, each hair carved with microscopic letters detailing the 40 Elder Sagas of the Dawnbringer (4000gp) (currently attached to a broom handle for use as a mop). Most of it is covered in rotting meat and feces.

S Door, locked. Gorsup has key. Not giving it up. It's made of plutonium and slowly killing him.

4. Pork chamber

40 gallon sized clay pots sealed with rancid fat. Contain pork in juices, also rancid. Nine rats nest here in a shredded mattress. They've amassed 40 sp. A rat has chewed it's way into a pot and drowned.

5. Sludge Recumbent

Four inches of water, foetid piles of mud, Android parts, sewing machines, aluminum tubes, massive heavy springs, rotting fabric in iridescent hues. Moving through junk at half speed.

Western entrance via slippery chute from scrap yard.

NW Door - lock, malfunctioning maglock. Super powerful magnet or acetylene torch required.

NE Door - made from pieces of a particleboard desk.

SE Door - trapped, blinking makeshift proxmine. 4:6 chance it explodes, otherwise shoots sparks and scuttles to a random room.

6. Static projector

Static Projection (as wraith) emits from malfunctioning video screen. Can't leave room. Shrieks in garbled noise which prevents communication.

N Door - trapped, door attempts to cut third person through in half.

7. Ocular Connection

4 orangutans (as goblins) armed with bone clubs and sharpened bits of metal sit in a loose circle jabbering and trading eyes they've collected in jars. They're very interested in obtaining elf eyes. Each orangutan has a purse of 50gp. One has a jade antler in a shoulder pouch of deerhide - each point on the antler has a single dose of venom which causes immediate paralysis (save to avoid) for d20+4 hours.

North part of room has clay forge, numerous pots of paint and iron beads.

NE Door - trap, obnoxious klaxon summons first aid bot unfamiliar with human anatomy.

8. Furnace

Vat of hot coals hangs from ceiling. Lever opens, dumps all over floor.

N door, trapped, glowing red hot.

S Door, locked, enter access code INCORRECT! SUMMONING FIRST AID BOT (no bot comes)

9. Runic Circle

A complex magical circle has been drawn on the floor in slightly incandescent chalk. It has no magical properties. A Magic-User with an intelligence score of at least 13 will recognize after a bit of investigation that it's a star chart depicting the location of a previously unknown planet orbiting a black hole 24,000 light years away.

Along the walls is a number of dilapidated particle board bookshelves containing 44 moldering texts on extinct forms of fungi (all told maybe worth 100gp to a collector)

NW DOOR locked, cemented shut.

10. Trap

Broken statue haunted by poltergeist with an obtuse sense of humor. Placated by opera, harp music, vases, and slapstick. Otherwise will follow party causing shenanigans for d6 turns before getting bored.

NW Door - trapped. Poltergeist pulls trespasser's shirt over their head and kicks them in the rear as they cross the threshold, cackling.

Wandering monsters

1. 2d8 flame fairies (1/2hd) gleefully starting and or putting out fires

2. 12 orangutans in I'll fitting armor parade around with halberds, very serious

3. Giant glowing gecko. Just wants to be left alone. Climbs on ceiling. Obnoxiously knocks things people over

4. Broken first aid bot shrieking for help in static

5. Pet iguana, scared, desires lettuce

6. 8 orangutans robbers

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