Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Differentiate races

This is a game about the end of the fourth age. Humanity is in it's twilight. Demi-humans represent the split species of hyper-specialized humans. This is after the end of the age of space travel.

The game is about humans. Placing limits disincentivizes demihuman PCs and forces them into a support, foil, or side-kick role of human characters. We can learn more about the human condition by having a few inhuman characters but not too many that they lose their otherness.

 You need to meet the attribute requirements to quality to be a demihuman. This is also their prime requisite. Each race also has a number of special abilities.

Demi-humans max out at level 6. If they meet Prime Requisite limit is boosted to 8.


The Fiia- Cha 9

Class as Fighters. Saves start at 4th level.

A secluded race of cheerful pigmies who make their homes in sunny valleys. Halflings abhor violence and discomfort. Most other races view them kindly and enjoy their songs and earnest disposition.

Luck: call for re-roll on any dice roll once per game. (Zoldag casts Fireball, the spell fizzes causing only 9 damage. Mikeal the Small uses his Luck ability to let Zoldag re-roll for damage. 6d6 = 28 damage!)

Blending in: halflings gain +3 on action rolls to hide in woodland settings, and +2 to hide indoors. 

Archer: Fiia gain +1 to-hit bonus on missile attacks

Tiny: halflings gain +2 AC vs Giant-size or greater opponents.

Homeward - as long as they're on the same plane, Fiia always know the direction of home.

Soulbond - a special bond may form between a Fiia and another being, allowing them empathic connection over any distance. If a soulbond is broken both partners die.

Clayfolk - Con 9

Class as Fighters. Saves start at 4th level.

Clayfolk are rugged, dire people who carve their hidden lairs into the stoney cliffs of the silver desert. Tribal merchants, hunters, and animal handlets par excellence, clayfolk caravans are a common sight.

Tireless: clayfolk can go a week without food or water before taking strain damage.

Animal friend: clayfolk gain a +3 action bonus when wrangling, taming, calming, or riding animals.

Giant killer: due to cultural rituals involving purple worms, clayfolk gain +2 AC vs Giant-size or greater opponents.

Stone tongue: clayfolk may converse with nearby stones, though they may be slow to answer and lack knowledge of anything outside their realm.

Aeleph - Wis 9

Class as Fighter/Magic-Users, combining best attributes & total XP values of each.

Aeleph are strange off-world beings descended from space faring folk, often known as witch-men. They tend to be more technologically inclined than others. Their cities are cloaked deep within swamps and forests.

Keen eyes: can project their consciousness in any direction up to one mile, can hear as well as see. Lasts 1 minute.

Firstborn: elves gain +2 action bonus when searching for hidden things and when attempting to comprehend ancient technology.

Combat training - Aeleph keep a strict warrior code known as Bushindin. They fight with a pair of specially made longswords, rolling with advantage on attacks. Additionally, they wear no armor, instead practicing dextrous dances to evade attacks. Aeleph lower their AC by one point every other level.

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