Monday, October 12, 2020

State of the World

 It's been hard to get a game going reliably lately. I refuse to play games over voice chat. That defeats the whole purpose of having a game; to make bonds between people in my life. I don't consider the internet 'my life,' in fact I do close to zero percent of my social interaction online.

In the meat zone needs of the family tend to take precedence over gaming. I find it interesting that the OSR is mostly childless 20 somethings or pushing the 60s without much between. Seems all the childed folks tend to take multi-year breaks or disappear after a short burst of activity. I wonder what drives these folks. I know what drives me: the need for a creative outlet. 

My original intent was to marry my family life with my need for artistic creation while simultaneously creating a fun thing to do as a group.

It staggers around the sidelines and slowly survives. I've got a new baby in the works. That typically kills "outside activities"; d&d has become my poker night. A disruputable activity to my wife, but a needed outlet and opportunity for socialization

Yes, even a total morlock like me needs friends. 

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